Eco Prowine

“Life Cycle perspective for Low Impact Winemaking and Application in EU of Eco-innovative Technologies”, project ECO-PROWINE

Agreement № ECO/11/304386, 03/09/2012 – 03/09/2015, under programmeEco-inovation

ECO-PROWINE’s main objective is to offer a unique framework (methods and tools) that allows for the reduction of the environmental impacts caused by the EU wine-making sector and reinforces the market appeal of EU wine products on the basis of the sustainability labelling scheme introduced in the project.

To this end, ECO-PROWINE delivers an LCA-LCC on-line tool, specialized in the wine-making sector, that enables wine makers (possessing no expertise in LCA methodologies) to perform a self-assessment of their wine-making process, in order to accurately detect environmental charges, impacts and costs. As a result, the tool offers a set of feasible techniques and options for improving the environmental performance of the wine-making process in a cost effective way.

Expected results:

The application of the ECORPOWINE self-assessment tool and labelling scheme is expected to provide the appropriate motives to wine producers towards undertaking the necessary improvement actions for the reduction of resources consumed and waste and pollutants produced within the winemaking process.

More specifically the project is expected to deliver the following results to the European wine-making sector:

  • Reduce Global Warming, (kg CO2) eq./l, by 16% to 25% on average.
  • Reduction of waste generation by 10% through prevention activities with a total waste minimization by 2.5% to 5% on average.
  • Reuse, at least, 15-20% on average, of the waste destined to landfill.
  • Promote the recycling of used materials at a level of 25%.
  • Reduce synthetic fertilizers’ use by 20% to 30% on average.
  • Reduce the risk derived from the use of pesticides by 30%. Reduce SO2 use by 20%.
  • Reduce water consumption by 30% on average.
  • Enhance Renewable Energy penetration in the wine-making sector by 10-15% on average and reduce energy consumption by an average of 12% to 15%.

Participating countries and project partners:

  • Centre of Research for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE) (Spain)
  • Aeiforia (Italy)
  • Vinidea s.r.l. (Italy)
  • Hypertech (Greece)
  • Stenum (Austria)
  • The Camber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria (LK Steiermark) (Austria)
  • The Wine Producers Association of the Northern Greece Vineyard (ENOAVE) (Greece)
  • Sofia Energy Centre (SEC) (Bulgaria)
  • The Portuguese Institute of Viticulture and Oenology (IPVE) (Portugal)
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) (Italy)
Sustainable Energy

SET @ Work Project aims at thematic promotion of energy effective and energy saving technologies in the carbon markets.

The project is supported by the Seventh Framework Programme of ECSeventh Framework

The project is a follow-up of T@W project with the participation of the following partners:

  • Energy Consulting Network (ECNet) – Coordinator
  • Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH (ZREU)
  • KanEnergi Sweden AB (KanEnergi)
  • CPL Scientific Publishing Services Ltd. (CPL Press)
  • Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC-IST)
  • Energy Centre Bratislava (ECB)
  • Sofia energy Centre (SEC)
  • Ecofys Polska (Ecofys Pl.)
  • The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
  • Centre for Energy Environment Resources Development/Foundation for International Human Resource Development (CEERD)
  • Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIEC)
  • Zhejiang Energy Research Institute (ZERI)
  • Asesorías Profesionales P. Lehuedé Ltda (Aple Consultores)
  • Confederation of Danish Industries (DI)
  • ETA – Renewable Energies (ETA)
Sustainable Energy

T@W Project – Technologies at Work

T@W project is supported by the European Commission Energy & Transport DG under the Sixth Framework Programme.six

The main objective of T@W is to facilitate the entry of European know-how on sustainable energy technologies into emerging climate markets: the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) market in Asia. The EU ETS market has been put in place as a vehicle for realisation of the EU’s commitment to the challenge of reducing the global greenhouse effect. The EU ETS gives European companies the incentive to reduce their CO2 emissions in a manner that encourages the most cost-effective measures. The CDM is a project based means of meeting the climate goals. The EU Linking Directive allows European companies to act in international CDM markets in accordance with the internationally agreed procedures for CDM projects and to transfer the CO2 credits gained into the EU ETS scheme.

T@W project is a joint initiative of 18 partners as follows:

  • Energy Consulting Network (ECNet) – coordinator
  • Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH (ZREU)
  • Energy Centre Bratislave (ECB)
  • EC BREC Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej (IEO)
  • KanEnergi Sweden AB (KanEnergi)
  • Center for Energy Environment Resources Development/Foundation for International Human Resource Development (CEERD)
  • The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
  • Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIEC)
  • Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM)
  • Instituto De Engenharia Mecanica (IDMEC-IST)
  • CPL Scientific Publishing Services Ltd. (CPL Press)
  • Sofia energy Centre (SEC)
  • EVE – Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE),
  • The European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration (COGEN),
  • Zhejiang Energy Research Institute (ZERI),
  • European Small Scale Hydropower Association (ESHA),
  • European Biomass Association (EUBIA),
  • ETA – Renewable Energies (ETA)
Sixth Framework Programme

Project ``Supporting the Use of Alternative Fuels in the Cement Industry``

The European Commission, under the 6th Framework Programme, is co-financing and supporting the project entitled “Supporting the Use of Alternative Fuels in Cement Industry” which is undertaken by an international consortium led by EXERGIA S.A.

The aim of the project is:

  • To increase knowledge of polygeneration with the use of alternative fuels in the cement industry of the participating countries;
  • To increase knowledge of polygeneration with the use of secondary raw materials to replace the traditional ones in the clinker in the cement industry of the participating countries;
  • To transfer expertise in design and engineering, and practical experience from application, from the technology developers to the end-users;
  • To increase commercial availability of the results of EU research projects;
  • To prove the applicability of the technology to a variety of implementation environments, and to understand its limitations;
  • To produce and disseminate information on technical and economic feasibility of the polygeneration with the use of alternative fuels in the cement industry.

The range of alternative fuels that may be used in cement production is extremely wide and diverse, including materials like waste oils, plastics, auto shredded residues, waste tyres, sewage sludge and all kinds of slaughterhouse residues. However, to the moment, only small volumes (10 to 20%) of the fuel requirement are achieved. The main problems are related to technical constraints regarding ignition and burn out properties, particles size and built-up of volatile compounds.

A number of innovative solutions have been developed by engineering companies to address these problems and pave the way for polygeneration with the use of alternative fuels and secondary raw materials in cement industry.

The project has been designed to disseminate technical knowledge and experience from the implementation of these solutions, with the overall objective to assist the take-off of polygeneration in the cement industry leading to energy, environmental, societal and economic benefits. The targeted sector of the cement industry will be that of Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus and Turkey where the potential for improvement and better utilisation of the existing infrastructure in the cement industry is significant.