
“Energy Efficiency Training to decrease the number of Energy Poor Households”, project Energy Ambassadors

The project is co-financed by the programme, contract EIE/08/446/SI2.528576
Intelligent Energy

Help the families make the money last longer

With a tight economy situation, one should not pay for wasted energy.

Through simple actions, which only requires reflection and some knowledge households can reduce their energy consumption significantly.

Simple methods as to put the lid on the pot when cooking, defrost frozen food in the fridge instead of in the micro wave. These simple efforts can keep a household energy costs low. The money can be used to other part of the households need.

The Energy Ambassadors campaign aims at tackling energy poverty and in helping families in managing their water, heating and electricity consumptions, through the intervention of social workers that will be trained on these issues. It aims at finding solutions for public in difficulty to save energy and money, and to gain other benefits as comfort and health improvement, and last but not least, to improve their social situation.

The campaign will take place in 9 different European countries.

Who are they?

Energy Ambassadors are people employed in the social sector willing to learn Energy Efficient Principles and disseminate their know-how among fuel poor households.

The group that will play the role of Energy Ambassadors with the public is the social actors (from local authorities, social or healthcare organizations, social housing organizations, etc.), energy providers, owners and tenants (individuals, private and public companies).

Who will help the campaign?

The campaign aims at helping the final group: the people in a situation of fuel poverty and/or with low income.

Main objectives:

  • To fight against fuel poverty and generate energy savings in households;
  • To raise awareness and inform fuel poor households on energy savings and to achieve energy behaviour changes.
  • Replicate, enlarge and widen successful experience, tools and methods to fight against fuel poverty

Strategic objective:

Convince and work with social organizations on the energy issues that are completely linked to the problems they can face as fuel poverty, healthcare and social integration.


The Involvement of social institutions and organisations is seen as the best vehicle to reach the highest number of families in difficulty. We will help through:

  • Creation of a local Committee with the stakeholders. Through the Committee tackle the energy efficiency issue in (social) housing.
  • Training of social workers to become energy ambassadors
  • Actions of the Energy Ambassadors on the grounds with their own public
  • Hotline from the local partners to the social workers/actors in their role of energy ambassadors.

Participating countries and project partners:

  • Prioriterre (MEYTHET, France)
  • SWEA (Gloucester, UK)
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Savings – CRES (Pikermi – Attiki, Greece)
  • Energikontor Sydost (Växjö, Sweden)
  • Samsø Energy Academy (Samsø, Denmark)
  • ECOSERVEIS (Barcelona, Spain)
  • Sofia Energy Centre (Sofia, Bulgaria)
  • HEMPS (Harghita, Romania)
  • Ecuba (Bologna, Italy)

The main objective of SErENADE project is to support the enhancement of the range, scope and quality of energy advice provision in the European Community, by enabling an effective exchange of knowledge, experience and tools.

The project aims to achieve:

  • Information for the first time about the real scope of energy advice provision throughout the European Community.
  • Increased awareness of the benefits of energy advice, the skills and tools required and the methodologies that may be used.
  • A resource to enable quality provision of energy advice to be extended across the Community, through provision of a toolkit and links to established and successful services.
  • Improvement in the overall quality of the energy advice services provided by the partners, by learning from each other.
  • The establishment of an ongoing platform for exchange of information and experience on energy advice.

SErENADE target existing and potential energy advice providers, such as energy agencies, advice and information centres, consumer organisations, local and regional authorities and municipalities, small business advisers, customer liaison and advice staff in fuel companies and housing organisations.

What the project will do:

  • Review existing energy advice provision in Europe;
  • Make know-how on delivering advice easily available through a website, through an online energy advice toolkit and a forum for exchange of knowledge and experience between skilled practitioners and new providers.

Project Partners:

  • Severn Wye Energy Agency, UK
  • Associazione Rete du Punti Energia, Italy
  • Energie-Environnement 74, France
  • O.O.Energiesparverband, Austria
  • Energirad Vast, Sweden
  • BCEI ZRMK, Slovenia
  • Sofia Energy Centre, Bulgaria
  • Comite de Liaison Energies Renouvelables, France

SHARE - Social Housing Action to Reduce Energy consumption

The project is co-financed by the programme, contract EIE/05/170/SI2.419620
Intelligent Energy

The overall project objectives are to increase the sustainability of energy use, reduce associated carbon emissions, and reduce the risk of low temperatures and unaffordable fuel bills in social housing through:

  • raising awareness amongst the relevant actors of the social, environmental and economic benefits for residents and landlords to be gained from energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • raising the level of sustainable energy in retrofitting, refurbishment and planned maintenance
  • achieving behavioural change by the occupiers of social housing
  • maximizing financial and technical resources available for improvement measures
  • promoting good practice examples in the social housing context, indicating what is technically and economically possible, and the real benefits in practice
  • enabling an exchange of knowledge and experience across Europe, as member states tackle similar problems, but at different stages of the changing structure of both social housing and domestic fuel supply markets

These objectives are achieved by the direct outputs of the proposed action, which will follow a common theme and approach, but the local/regional details of which will be specific to each partner in the consortium so that they can be designed with practical relevance to their own local context.

Local market actors, particularly social housing organizations and residents’ groups, will guide the work through the local forums which will be set up at the start of the project. The relevant market actors will include residents, social landlords, contractors, installers, architects and building services engineers, and the many statutory agencies working with residents of social housing.

The lessons and experience from each the eight local programmes of work in eight countries spread widely across Europe will be shared through the programme of dissemination, giving a wide-ranging and interesting result with applicability to the rest of Europe and a high potential for replication.

In outline the work programme include:

  • The development and facilitation of local/regional social housing energy forums, bringing together relevant market actors to steer the local/regional programmes of work to raise the level of sustainable energy in retrofitting of social housing, including identifying relevant issues and training needs and investigating financing options.
  • The development and delivery of a series of targeted training courses
  • The development and delivery of local/regional energy awareness and advice campaigns
  • The dissemination of a positive and holistic approach to a local/regional, national and transnational audience of relevant market actors

The direct outcomes are:

  • effective and active multi-sectoral local/regional forums in each participating area
  • a series of targeted training courses involving all key actors
  • A general plan for awareness and advice programmes, with local/regional pilots
  • A series of good practice case studies highlighting technical, social and economic issues
  • A pro-active programme of dissemination activities to make the knowledge and experience available across Europe


  • Severn Wye Energy Agency Limited (SWEA), coordinator, UK
  • Tipperary Energy Agency Limited (TEA), Ireland
  • Energikontor Sydost (ESS), Sweden
  • Sofia Energy Centre (SEC), Bulgaria
  • B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service-Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH (BSU), Germany
  • Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK (ZRMK), Slovenia
  • Energie-Environnement 74 (EE74), France
  • Regional Energy Centres, Estonia (REC Estonia), Estonia

Production of Electricity with RES & CHP for Homeowners

The project is co-financed by the programme, contract EIE/06/107/SI2.446527
Intelligent Energy

The project have dealt with interconnection issues for electricity generation using small RES & micro-CHP applications for home and small business power solutions in the EU-27, through a set of promotional and dissemination actions. These actions aimed to exchange information, to introduce guidelines for homeowners for small RES & CHP applications regarding selection, dimensioning, interconnection, power quality and safety issues, to establish a European web portal for homeowners, to disseminate the European experience in the field through workshops involving local market actors and policy makers in the participating countries and a final event for the exchange of European experiences and dissemination of best practices.


  • Database containing national net metering programs, technical interconnection standards, support schemes, safety and power quality and best practices. It also indicates if streamlined authorisation procedures are available in each country for small scale systems
  • Homeowners Guide in 6 languages targeted to households
  • Interconnection Guide in English targeted to energy regulators, policy makers and utilities
  • 6 national events and a European final event attended by approximately 600 participants
  • Influenced the pricing scheme in Czech Republic where the feed-in tariff threshold for PV was increased from 10kW to 30kW. It also influenced the streamlining of authorisation procedures for PV systems in buildings in the 2009 law passed in Greece

Lessons learned:

  • Introduction of “Simplified Rules” for getting licenses and permissions for interconnection is necessary for small scale systems. Otherwise the projects’ lead times and costs make these systems not attractive.
  • Policy makers do not seem well aware of the benefits of small scale systems. Hence few supporting measures are in place and potential owners of these systems lack information. Grid operators should also have incentives to facilitate the connection of small systems to their grids.
  • Large differences in the regulatory framework were found across Member States. Data gathering and analysis is hence an effort intensive task. Last updated: 28.06.2010


  • CRES (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources) – coordinator, Greece
  • SEC (Sofia Energy Centre), Bulgaria
  • CITYPLAN spol. s.r.o., Czech Republic
  • Berliner EnergieagenturGmbH, Germany
  • Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Portugal

Other projects for energy efficiency in households, are:

ISEES: Improving the Social Dialogue for Energy Efficient Social Housing, for more information: energy efficiency in buildings

„Energy Efficient Residential Lighting Initiative” EnERLIn, for more information: energy efficiency in buildings