BUSHROSSs Project - Building Up Skills for Home Renovation One-Stop-Shops

Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, Project 101092256 — VET4GSEB


The project aims at increase of capacities and skills of One-Stop-Shops for residential building renovation, and it has been co-funded by LIFE+ Programme of EU.

BUSHROSSs will build up skills of relevant bodies (national, regional and local authorities, municipalities, energy agencies, etc.). for the successful establishment and operation of OSSs to assist home owners during the entire process of residential building energy refurbishment. This will be achieved through the development of qualification and upskilling schemes and their pilot testing via delivering of training courses to relevant stakeholders, relevant to OSS establishment and operation, including “training of trainers” activities

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NS4nZEBs - New Skills for near Zero Energy Buildings

Co-funded by LIFE+ Programme, EU


Status of the project: on-going

Project summary:

The use of RES and digital technologies in the building sector is strongly advocated in current EU directives and regulations. These technologies play an important role in achieving a fully decarbonized building stock by 2050, as well as addressing the energy crisis in Europe. Given this, the NS4nZEBs project aims to address the existing skills mismatches that currently characterize the professionals involved in this process, and those that are increasingly in demand and will be vitally important in the future, to increase the number of qualified specialists in the field of photovoltaic systems, smart electrical systems, heat pumps and hydrogen technologies at all levels of design, operation and maintenance of buildings.

This will lead to a wider application of new energy-efficient and RES technologies for the successful introduction of nearly zero-energy buildings, scaling up ambitious renovation projects, introducing efficient heating and cooling based on renewable energy sources, -especially heat pumps, thereby contributing to the gradual reduction of the EU’s dependence on fossil fuel imports.

This goal will be achieved by developing new and improving existing training methods and curricula, as well as qualification courses for all types of professionals involved in the building value chain (“blue collar” and “white collar”). All stakeholders – authorities, employers, end-users as well as VET providers – are involved in working on feedback mechanisms that ensure that training programs and curricula are aligned with the labor market and proactively integrate new skills. Furthermore, the number of people who will benefit from the regularly updated training developed within this project will increase steadily in the long term.

The Consortium is a partnership for excellence involving experts (installers, engineers, architects, IT, automation, education and communications experts) from 6 countries, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain and Ukraine.

Project partners:

    • TMK THOMAS MORE KEMPEN , Belgium – coordinator
    • CISB – Chamber of Installation Specialists in Bulgaria, Bulgaria
    • SEC – Sofia Energy Centre, Bulgaria

VET partnership For Green and Smart Electricity in Buildings

Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, Project 101092256 — VET4GSEB


The main objective of the VET4GSEB project is to transfer the experience and good practices in the field of VET from the EU countries to 4 third countries participating in the project (Albania, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine). It intends to provide the national VET providers with adapted solutions, training materials, case studies, tools and guidelines, which will allow them to update their training practices and programs in order to meet the skills needs of the labour market in the building and RES sector.

The objective will be reached by a series of activities using an innovative approach: trainers from VET providers from all participating countries will be provided with comprehensive information through an on-line networking Platform including:

  • Database of companies from the building and RES sector from all partners to update the information on the needs of the labour market in different countries;
  • Database of innovative training methods and tools, digital technologies implemented in the energy systems in smart buildings, innovative technical solutions for the application of PV systems in buildings;
  • Training materials on 5 modules (Module 1- Introduction – Presentation of the project, EU and national regulations and policies, Module 2 – Main focus in it will be put on the “soft” and relational skills: good communication, entrepreneurship, work organisation and management, problem solving, receiving and analysing information, inclusion, quality assurance, training young people, Module 3 – It will be dedicated to the digital skills required for design, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of smart electrical installations and PV systems in buildings; Case studies and best practices in Companies will illustrate the practical part of the training material; Module 4 – It will be dedicated to new technical solutions for application of PV installations and smart electrical systems in buildings; Module 5 – The topics are selected in view of acquainting trainers with on new methods and practices for VET training as flipped class room, on-line and hybrid method, Neuroscience in education, how to approach young people, European transparency and recognition tools) and a Guidebook for the VET trainers.

The partners from Bulgaria and Turkey, owing extensive experience in VET regarding new training methods, soft skills, smart electrical installations and PV systems in buildings, incl. the necessary digital skills for them, will create training materials in order to transfer their knowledge to the participants from third countries not associated to the Programme: Albania, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine, through the networking Platform.

Trainings for VET providers from all participating countries will be performed in 2 phases: 1 pilot training in English for 18 trainers and 6 national trainings for 10 trainers each – in national languages.

The expected results are 78 up-skilled VET providers who will improve their training practices and deliver updated training, adapted to the new needs of the market for electricians from the RES sector.


  • Sofia Energy Centre (SEC), coordinator, Bulgaria
  • European Labour Institute (ELI), Bulgaria
  • Chamber of Installation Specialists in Bulgaria (CISB), Bulgaria
  • Sustainable Development and Environment Association (SUDEAS), Turkey
  • Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia (EECG), Georgia
  • National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBIP), Ukraine
  • National Chamber of Crafts Albania (DHKZ), Albania
  • People in Focus (PIF), Albania
  • TANIQ NGO, Armenia

Geothermal and Solar Skills: Continuous Vocational Education and Training/ GSS – VET

Project GSS – VET, Supported by Erasmus + Sector Skills Alliances – 575891-EPP-1-2016- 1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA
Funded by the Erasmus

The general objective is to tackle the existing skills gap in continuous training for plumbers and electricians concerning geothermal and solar skills, by creating and implementing a demand driven training in order to:

  • Meet the growing demand for new skills of electricians and plumbers working on geothermal and solar installations in the current construction industry, in the 4 partner countries;
  • Allow unemployed or active workers to upgrade their skills in, respectively, geothermal and solar installations.

The aim of the project is to fill the existing gaps in the continuing education of electricians and plumbers for the installation of geothermal and solar installations, by creating and implementing training tailored to the demand and needs of the market with the aim of:

  • To meet the growing needs in the construction industry in the four participating countries for new skills of electricians and plumbers for the installation of geothermal and solar installations;
  • To enable unemployed and active workers to upgrade their qualifications in the field of geothermal and solar installations.

A specific goal of the project is to increase the exchange of experience and practice between educational institutions and the labour market.


  • 3 training programs at European level for installers of geothermal and solar heating systems and photovoltaic installations,
  • innovative teaching method,
  • full professional training with online access to all materials (for installers and trainers),
  • online evaluation system,
  • certification of the conducted training,
  • official recognition of studies with a horizon until 2025,
  • participation of national stakeholders, guaranteeing the sustainability of project results,
  • a network of training centers that will implement the GSS-VET curricula in 8 European countries,
  • raising awareness of the importance of “green” jobs.

For the purposes of the GSS-VET project, a web platform has been created to provide online access to all training materials both in English and in the respective partner languages.

Assessment and certification procedures are in line with international standards.

The skills of trained installers certified by national training centers are recognized by the entire network of training centers.

Training programmes and materials

The first step was the development of detailed training plans for the three types of installations: solar thermal, photovoltaic and geothermal systems and determining the requirements for the acquisition of skills and competencies of the trainees, as follows:

  • For solar thermal systems: 3 basic skill requirements and 13 competence requirements;
  • For photovoltaic systems: 9 basic skill requirements and 48 competence requirements;
  • For geothermal systems: 3 core skill requirements and 18 competency requirements.

The second step involved determining the necessary experience of trainers (experts in this field with relevant experience) and trainees (over the age of 16 with relevant secondary education and/or professional experience).

The next step was aimed at choosing learning methods and approaches for the three types of systems, as well as the structure of the courses:

Training courses include a theoretical part and practical training. Theory is taught in a classroom and online via the Internet, practical exercises are conducted in laboratories or on an actual site.

  • To acquire knowledge and competences, the project-based learning (PBL) methodology is used.

The duration of the training is:

  • For solar thermal systems: 50 hours of theory and 50 hours of practice;
  • For photovoltaic systems, respectively 60/60 hours;
  • For geothermal systems 50/60 hours.

The GSS - VET consortium is composed of 15 partners from 4 countries


  • Technological Educational Institute of Crete (Координатор)
  • European Center in Training for Employment
  • Chania Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Companies
  • SQLearn


  • European Labour Institute
  • Chamber of Installation Specialists in Bulgaria
  • Sofia Energy Centre
  • Technical University of Sofia


  • Bochum University of Applied Sciences
  • German Geothermal Association
  • International Geothermal Association


  • AlecopGroup
  • Instagi.

Training and Certification of PV Installers in Europe, PVTRIN project

The PVTRIN project is supported through the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program.

It runs from My 2010 until April 2013.

Intelligent Energy Europe

The European Initiative PVTRIN

The PVTRIN’s scope is the development of an EU acknowledged training and certification scheme for technicians active in the installation and maintenance of small scale PV systems.

The PVTRIN Certification scheme will be, initially, implemented in six (6) countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania and Spain, incorporating the criteria set by the 2009/28/EC Directive for acknowledged qualification schemes in each Member State, as well as the national legislation.

In order to incorporate the genuine market needs and to assure the broadest possible support, the key stakeholder groups and PV market actors have been involved in the project’s activities.

The challenge

  • to provide the key components for a common qualification framework, an appropriate training methodology and a clearly defined accreditation route;
  • to configure a competent PV installers’ workforce according multinational accepted criteria and standards;
  • to encourage a greater number of technicians to advance their professional skills and knowledge;
  • to set the base for the adoption of a common accepted -within EU – certification scheme;
  • to ensure the quality of PV/BIPV installations and to defend PV’s credibility from poor demonstrations.

Expected Results

  • Accredited training courses and an operational certification scheme for PV installers;
  • Practical training material/tools for installers and their trainers; Web portal with access to technical information;
  • 8 pilot training courses implemented, a pool of skilled/certified PV installers in participating countries;
  • A roadmap for the adoption of the scheme across Europe.

Long term, PVTRIN will

  • contribute to the PV/BIPV market growth in the participating countries;
  • provide a supporting instrument for EU MS to meet their obligations for acknowledged certifications for RES installers till 31/12/2012;
  • enforce the MS efforts to achieve the mandatory target of a 20% share of energy from RES in overall Community energy consumption by 2020.

Participating countries and project partners:

  • Technical University of Crete, Greece Environmental Engineering Dpt., Project coordinator
  • European Photovoltaic Industry Association, EU/Belgium
  • Fundación Robotiker, Spain
  • Building Research Establishment Ltd, UK
  • Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus
  • Technical Chamber of Greece, Branch of Western Crete
  • Agency of Brasov for the Management of Energy and Environment, Romania
  • Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Croatia
  • Sofia Energy Centre Ltd. (SEC), Bulgaria
Welcome to EI-Education

Project ``Energy Intelligent Education for retrofitting of social houses`` - EI-EDUCATION

supported by the EIE Programme, contract N0 EIE/05/050/SI2.420012:
Intelligent Energy

Why EI-Education?

European countries face the problem with the need of refurbishment of existing housing stock. This refurbishment should meet the new requirements for energy efficiency of buildings. That means a reduction of energy consumption with at least 30% and the new expectations of tenants and owners of dwellings for increased comfort and less expenses for energy and maintenance.

The social housing companies have to overcome these problems in order to meet the challenge of the competition in the housing sector.

The EI– Education project aims to give the social housing companies knowledge and tools in order to motivate and train the sector to perform energy efficient retrofitting.

The EI-Education programme is based on best practice examples from European countries and set focus on practical solutions. These examples show how at least 30% energy savings can be reached at retrofitting, how buildings can be improved with regard to comfort, healthier environment and decrease of expenses for maintenance.

Take advantage of the EI-Education Programme!

The EI-Education Programme is elaborated to help you to find the best solutions for retrofitting of dwelling buildings. In the programme you will find useful information how to plan, organise and carry out your project. You will also find suggestions for financial and technical solutions.

The EI-Education Programme is designed for you!

The EI-Education Platform

In the platform you will find also a database of best practice examples, catalogued in “Technology and environment”, “Policy and strategy” and “organization and financing”.

The Guidebook

The EI-Education Guidebook gives an introduction to the strategic, the tactical and the practical level of energy retrofitting.

The Guidebook includes the following chapters:

  • Status quo in partner countries
  • When to renovate
  • How to renovate
  • Checklists and tools
  • Best practice examples
  • Recommendations to overcome barriers and support drivers
  • Literature and links

The training courses

Training courses were organised in six countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Slovenia in order to assess the EI-Education Programme.

The target groups for the training courses depended on the countries and included experts from housing associations, municipalities, building sector, architects and planners, owners of apartments, manufacturers of building products.

The programmes of the courses were adapted in the different countries depending on the target groups and the specific needs of training. These programmes can be downloaded from the project web page.

The participants were asked to fill-in questionnaires for assessment of the quality of lectures, materials and organisation of the courses.

The results of the questionnaires show that most of the participants are satisfied with the course and expect to use the information in their work!


  • Elsebeth Terkelsen
  • Aarhus School of Architecture
  • Department for Supplementary Education


  • Oberösterreichischer Energie Spar Verband – ESV, Austria
  • Sofia Energy Centre – SEC, Bulgaria
  • Cenergia, Denmark
  • Centre Scientifique et Tecknique du Bâtiment – CSTB, France
  • Energy research Centre of the Netherlands – ECN, The Netherlands
  • Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZRMK – Slovenia
  • Boligselskabernes landsorganisation – BL, Denmark
  • Housing Fund of Ljubljana – HFLJ, Slovenia
  • DELPHIS, France

Training of Local Authorities Experts on the identification, Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects in Municipalities

The primary objectives of ENEFMUN project are to:

  • Develop the skills of the municipality energy managers about how to identify, design, develop and implement energy efficiency projects at the local level;
  • Assist participating municipalities in the identification, development and implementation of local and regional projects for energy efficiency

This is realized in the municipalities of the countries involved (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Greece, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia) through the appropriate training of municipal energy managers. The focus of the technical part of the training will be on the identification of energy efficiency possibilities in three key technological areas:

  • Municipal lighting,
  • Public buildings, and
  • District energy (heating/cooling) systems

The project is coordinated by Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), Greece, with the participation of:

  • AEA (former E.V.A.) – Austria;
  • SEC – Bulgaria;
  • SEA – Slovakia;
  • ENERO – Romania;
  • CITYPLAN – Czech Republic
  • GEONARDO – Hungary.
ENEFMUN project is cofounded by SAVE programme of the European Commission

Other project related to educational courses, are:

Green Public Procurement in Action, Green ProcA, for more information: energy policy and planning

Buy Smart+ Green Procurement in Europe, for more information: energy policy and planning